$19.95 incl. GST
OraSoothe “Sockit” Gel is an FDA-approved, all-natural, drug-free oral wound hydrogel that comes in an easy-to-use syringe. It is applied in-office during procedures that involve any type of oral wound and is pleasant tasting, optimizes healing, and provides excellent pain relief. After the procedure, the patient takes home the remainder of the gel and applies as needed.
Benefits include:
What is in SockIt!?
SockIt! consists entirely of food ingredients. It contains mannose polysaccharides from aloe vera, xylitol, and a tiny amount of essential oils of cinnamon, clove and thyme.
How much SockIt! should be applied to extraction sites?
Enough gel should be applied to the extraction site to completely coat and cover the wound. Excess gel will not remain in place and will be swallowed.
Will SockIt! affect the taste of food?
SockIt! has a very mild flavour. Most people report that it does not interfere with their sense of taste.
Does SockIt! assist in healing?
Yes. SockIt! is gentle on tissues, helps reduce pain, prevents contamination and provides mannans to the wound site. All these factors help optimise the healing process.
Does SockIt! cause a numb sensation?
No. SockIt! does not contain anesthetics or any other drug. It helps reduce discomfort by protecting tissues and by interfering with the initiation of pain signals. It is not absorbed and does not numb tissues.
Is SockIt! safe to swallow?
SockIt! is comprised of all-natural food ingredients and is safe to swallow.
Is SockIt! safe for children?
SockIt! is composed of 100% food ingredients and is safe for use by all individuals of all ages, regardless of health status or medical regimen. It is safe when swallowed.
How often can the gel be safely reapplied?
SockIt! may be applied as often as needed for unlimited applications. SockIt! is not restricted in applications as are other common topical products such as those that contain benzocaine.
Do other products affect SockIt!?
SockIt! will eventually wash out of the affected area. SockIt! may need to be reapplied after eating, drinking, brushing or rinsing.
How should SockIt! be stored at home?
SockIt! should be stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator. It should not be frozen.
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